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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


This energetic young man is riding furiously toward an unseen foe. As he brandishes his sword, the tip catches the moonlight. He moves with the self-assurance of one who knows exactly what he is doing.

This knight is single-minded and intensely focused. He knows what he wants and is certain he knows how to achieve it. His intellect is stunning, and his mastery of language is a thing of beauty. He is very confident in his opinions and beliefs and loves to express them in friendly but no-holds-barred debates or arguments. If you need someone to advise you about a logical problem or plan, you can count on him. Do not, however, go to him with problems of the heart; he is generally impatient in the face of emotions.

If reversed, this knight can be a braggart or even a liar. He will tell stories to bolster his own self-esteem and to gain the respect of others. He lacks compassion and takes pleasure in verbally embarrassing people.

Use your intuition

  • The tip of his sword catches the starlight. What does that suggest?
  • There is a sign to the right. Wat does it say?

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